i now have a few regulars that cant see the shoutbox sinse i have updated .. i see it fine with my setup but they cant see it ..
i have one member that couldnt see it with his desktop pc but logged in with his laptop and could see it .. what could possibly be effecting these people ? its got to be a setting much needed on sombodies computer effecting whether they see it or not .. i know its their setup effecting it because i can log in with the same browser as them with their user and pass and whalla theres shout.. im cunfuzzed in a bad way here .
this didnt start til the last upgrade im about to go back to the older version somthing changed in this version thats effecting my users being able to see it
all they can see is the loading message .. it just never loads
i will also add i installed a firefox toolbar a member made for my site and i couldnt see the shout after install .uninstalled the toolbar and shout came back ..