Here is what you should do. In the area where you show the forums in the above example... Type a X there in that table... this X will mark the spot for you to seperate the code you need to put in your header, and the code you put in your footer.
Now, copy and paste everything above the X you just typed, into your header template...
Everything below the X, you will paste into your footer. Leave all the content in your existing footer template, and just paste this code at the end. The only thing you will need to check for in the footer template, is that you don't have </body></html> duplicated... Most likely, those tags will be, and you will have to remove the first set from the original, footer template code.
Hope that is written simple enough for you to understand. Once that is done, your forum should be "wrapped" by your main page as you have shown in the example picture above.