I have just a few more questions so I can understand exactly what this MOD does before I install it. From what everyone else is saying it seems like this MOD is a must have for vBulletin owners considering the constant upgrades with this software. If this MOD saves board adminstrators the time it takes to redo template edits after an upgrade, then it should be included with the vBulletin software package.
- If a MOD calls for more than one template edit does each one need to be added separtely as a Template-Modification; and if one template needs to have more than one edit applied to it do these need to be added separately as well?
- How exactly does the Template-Modification system work when a vBulletin upgrade is performed? Stated in the release notes is the fact that edited templates aren't affected when an upgrade is done. So does this mean that a board with MODs is running off of the edited and original templates?
- Don't some MODs have a plugin that you need to install and also have template edits that need to be done for the MOD? For these MODs, I would assume you would add the edits through TMS. But how are the template edits that are done from the plugin added in to TMS?
Hopefully I am not sounding too confused with the above questions. Again, just trying to figure out what seems to be a very handy tool when it comes to template editing.