Originally Posted by slyreptile
Found the greyed out problem, but not really sure how to resolve it. To achieve the transparency, I use an css file that contains lines similar to this under each div tag:
filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src='../trans.png', sizingMethod='scale');
This is what is causing IE to show the boxes as disabled. At the same time, without this line IE does not handle the transparent png file properly. If a png file is used where a textbox exists, it will cause this issue. I know this isn't your problem. I'm just updating my previous posts. I'll take this conversation elsewhere.
I know this is not your problem, nor have anything to do with your script. Just updating my previous posts with new information. I'll take this topic somewhere else.
That's ok, this is advanced javascript so I can't really help on that part

My skills in javascript are not that strong.
Originally Posted by Karabaja
Does anyone have who's online working?
I had members showing as in MGC chatbox in vbulletin's wol with previous version. But now they are not anymore. And I am always "the only user connected to the chatbox" when I try wol channel.
The wol is actually not working very well, I have planned to find a way to achieve that in a cleaner and working way for the next versions.
Originally Posted by paldo
whats with the new file today its the same version whats been fixed ?
edit .. i see the templates has been updated by the looks of the date ..
Templates updated ? No they haven't, this new file only contains the german file plus and xml file for automatic template modifications with the TMS hack of Andreas.
Originally Posted by beduino
all the mod is fine [better, better and better  ]
the users of vb-brasil choose this hack of chat !
How integrate with vbadvanced 3.01?
I make all - changing the 'arcade' do adv_index and don't work ... Any suggestions?
[in vblinks - script=adv_links] don't work too...
But thanks for your finest code and support
You have carefully followed all the steps described in the readme (with the modification of arcade to adv_index) ?
This should work. You can also try to add mgc_chatbox in the globalize var field of the vbadvanced settings.