Originally Posted by dirty68
yea thats about the same here only afew people cant see it, well thay can but no shouts, ive now set posts to 0 and yes dev ive even gone into mysql again and thats all ok... funny that this happened straight after the 368 upgrade
That's not really illogical as upgrading infers templates changes.
So this might be as I told in my previous post, the modifyoption template modification might be missing.
Originally Posted by nyk_user
I've installed (or at least tried to) and I'm having 2 main issues:
First, the MGC Chatbox box on the admin control panel is all in French.
Second, I don't see where the module is anywhere on any pages... I've gone through the installation html file inclued in the zip but don't see anything on my navbar or any of my pages, someone please help
For the language, have you installed the language file correctly?
For the module, this is maybe because you didn't set permissions well. If you're not sure of what you're doing, put a screenshot of the usergroup permissions you have put for the chatbox.
Originally Posted by rainyleaves
You can use English with this product.
This product's version V1.4.
I don't really recommend multiplying the xml files for my hack so plz try not to modify it as far as possible. This could lead to errors which I won't understand why user complains about and so leading to harder support
Anyway ones can use your "language"ly modified version at their own responsibilities