First of all, I just want to say thanks to tubedogg for this great hack. I am very new to most of this, but I am starting to learn a lot. Thanks!
Now for my error...
I downloaded file today and started playing with it.
Everything works great, but if I leave the $tw variable blank ("") the font style and size in the resulting table is exactly what I have specified in the $f and $fs variable. If I change the $tw variable to either a pixel number
or a percentage, the font in the resulting table is the default font style and size of my browser and doesn't hold the $f and $fs variable information at all. Everything else (colors, etc.) is just fine. This happens when implementing this hack using an PHP-parsed page and server-parsed page.
[EDIT-I just noticed that this only happens when using Netscape 4.77. When viewed in IE it looks fine.]
Any clues? If this is just a strange way that Netscape shows the file, should I just override the $f and $fs variable in the last10.php file? If so, what code do I change?
I scanned through this entire thread looking for an answer to this problem, but didn't find an answer but it is a pretty big thread so please forgive me if the answer is indeed in here somewhere and I missed it.
Thanks in advance!!