Originally Posted by dilbert
This is a really great product, thank you very much!
Two questions.
Categories. What is this? With the mindset of forums, it sounds like a category, with forums to follow. Can there be more than one main category? For instance, I want to have a lot of file download sections, then a few separate image download sections.
Version number. Can the version number be removed?
Categories hold entries. Entries are downloads, links to web sites, etc. There can be as many main categories as you wish (within reasonable limits, 32000 in total), and each category can have as many subcategories as required, and so on. (I realise this isn't the way that vb uses the word category.) Every category can have as many entries and subcategories as you want, and every entry can be placed simultaneously in one or many categories.
Version number - You mean the version number (2.2.7) that appears at the right hand side of the LDM navbar? This can be removed with a simple template edit. Edit the links_header template, find the string:
(it appears twice) and replace it by