Pulling Templates
I am developing a File Sharing system, which after it's done, I would like to release it here. I have only one problem, vbulletin template based system. I need a way to retrieve the header, headinclude, and footer. I started doing it my way, which was this.
I'd search the table user for the persons username, and then check out what their default style was. After that, I did a search in the table template with the conditions being styleid, and searching for the specific template I wanted (eg navbar). Once I did that, I saw that I would need to search the phrase table in order to replace things like, $vbphrase[members_list].
I think I could eventually get it to work right, but I think it would be a heck of a lot of code, and querying. I'm hoping someone could show me a easier way in retrieving templates. So if someone wouldn't mind taking me under the wing, I'd really appreciate it.
p.s. I'll give recognition to who ever helps me when I release the File Sharing system
Thank you,