Originally Posted by Subah
There is some thing werid every time i ban a user after 1 or 2 day i see him chating in the box ??? and i am sure i ban him with unlimte time !!!
Does this user appear in the banned user list when you type the /showban command ?
Originally Posted by Karabaja
I've been away for a week or so and I noticed there is new version so I upgraded. But now I am stuck with random smilies and no option to disable it. Pls VBDev could you help on how to set it to display order like it was in previous version. I'd rather not have to downgrade. Sorry if I missed an option somewhere in acp. Got some big smilies and really looks bad when it pulls them by random.
Here is how you could temporarly remove the random thing (I will make an option in the next version):
- Open includes/functions_mgc_cb.php
- Find
PHP Code:
$smileys = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
SELECT smilieid, smilietext, smiliepath, title
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "smilie
ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT " . $vbulletin->options['mgc_cb_editor_nbsmileys'] . "
- Replace it by
PHP Code:
$smileys = $vbulletin->db->query_read("
SELECT smilieid, smilietext, smiliepath, title
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "smilie
ORDER BY displayorder
- Here you go