Originally Posted by benjaminbih
every time i want to change my LDM settings i get this error:
Fatal error: zval::refcount integer overflow detected in /srv/www/vhosts/xyz.net/httpdocs/includes/functions_file.php on line 58
How to fix it ?
I don't know how to fix this, because it's an internal php error and I haven't seen it before.
From a quick search on Google, I guess that your site is using php 4?
Please check the entries you are providing for *thumbs_dir* and *upload_dir*. LDM validates these by attempting to create test files in the directories specified. The error you are reporting is connected to that test (actually to the vbulletin function vbmkdir() which sits underneath the test). So maybe something is going wrong there.
Am happy to help further if this does not solve the problem, but will need vb admin access to your site.