Unfortunately, as of this post, the 3.6.8 package in the members' area has been updated to provide fixes for several 3.6.8 specific issues. See below for a list of issues addressed.
The following files were updated:
- admincp/modlog.php
- includes/functions.php
- install/vbulletin-style.xml
Simply re-download the package and manually upload those 3 files over top of the existing ones. You should then re-import the master style to gain the fixes to 2 affected templates. To do this, log in to your admin control panel, go to Styles & Templates -> Download / Upload Styles -> Import Style XML File -> "Import".
Alternatively, you can manually apply the fixes for each issue by viewing the appropriate bug report:
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
More information might be posted at vBulletin.com:
Discussion of the vBulletin 3.6.8 release on vbulletin.org:
vBulletin 3.6.8 Released
This thread closed for further discusion.