Originally Posted by rbgrn
Cyricx - I've got everything working with a few modifications, here's my general experience feedback and breakdown:
1a) I modified the code to figure out which thread an email should go into using the subject
I'd advise against doing it this way.. There is a good chance you will have more then one thread with the same name across all your forums... the thread id is a much more certain route. Not to mention some email programs to different formating with RE: and FW:. This is the reason my current code works off the thread id
2) There is no cron logging working for this
2a) I tried adding some in the cron job php and changed the phrase to have {1} in it so that it'd show up, but for whatever reason (I'm new to vb) it does not still
2b) I recommend adding some informational and debugging logging as it's frustrating when things aren't working and you can't figure out why
2c) My recommended categories - Email Received, Email Sent, Error Email Sent, Other Errors
Yeah.. I'm still learning the cron logging system and trying to learn how to log those. I know zero about the cron logs yet, so that's definately on my list
3) Configuration
3a) It'd be ideal to have configuration as a separate menu item rather than hang off the forum itself. Multiple select of forums would be excellent on a single configuration
3b) For my set up, I'd like to have an override user that ALL emails get posted as
3c) Also I'd like to pull email from one box and depending on who it's from, get delegated into different forums (for me that translates to multiple mailing list support off 1 account). Another solution would be supporting a box other than INBOX
3d) I'd like an option to globally shut off all outbound email, as I don't use that.
3e) I don't want any other behavior changed within my board
So you allow incoming email? but not outbound? so the whole subscription thing, you don't need? Hmm... so your only using it to start new threads in forums?
4) Security
4a) Email inherently is insecure to use for this as I can forge my From address and post as someone I'm not. There's not a lot you can do about that, unfortunately. Just a concern.
Completely agree. I'm brainstorming ideas to help secure it more without making it any more complex for the end user.
5) Code
5a) Your code is one monolithic block. It'll be easier for you to add features if you refactor it a bit, breaking it into logical blocks using methods or classes if it gets even bigger.
5b) Consider adding some debugging ability. It'd be nice for us hackers.
The cron files HATE functions... I used to have the mail error code in a function and I had to create a list of all the variables I wanted to go through the function as it doesn't seem to accept global functions when embedded in the file.
Of course it's easy for someone to sit back and criticize another's work, which is not what I'm trying to do. I really appreciate your time and think this is very valuable. I have different uses for it than what you intended initially and I'd consider polishing this off doing all of my above things and forking it off into a different project maybe called vBulletin Mail Pull or something of that nature. I may consider that if I get some more time to work on this in the future. For now, I'll create multiple mail boxes and users to go into the different forums for different mailing lists.
Thanks again for all your work.
I totally appreciate the ideas and input.
I think I saw in your block how to add to the cron log, so that may make it into an upcoming version.
All - My apologies for the delay in the next version, there was a few bugs found that I need to work on and unfortunately this weekend some RL fit hit the shan so things have been very hectic. Slight delay in the next version unfortunately