Originally Posted by AdmiralGeek
one of my users has a prob with the shout box, THE ONLY ONE, it constantly is laoding (has the text loading in the shout box area) i checked his cookies, and java script and all is fine.
any ideas?
Only one user ?? Did you loggin with this user account to see if the problem comes from the account or from the user side ?
Originally Posted by maidos
theres a issue, i have set a usergroup to be able to use mp/pm command on the admincp.. the member can view the brushes icon however what theycant see is the pm channel icon at all
Have you uploaded the images of the last version ?
Originally Posted by Krieg
hi, i wanted to install this mod and followed every step (i uploaded every single files from v1.1 to 1.4)
i imported the products and did the templates modifications.
but the chatbox does not show (i switch it on in the admincp) and i am helpless.
the source of my forumhome page looks like this for instance :
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php">Calendrier</a></td>
<!-- modif chatbox -->
<!-- modif chatbox -->
<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="search.php?do=getnew" accesskey="2">Derniers messages</a></td>
in the templates i added the small commentary lines so that i find the mods afterwards. i must do something wrong but cannot find what
PS: je suis francais et si ya besoin de l'url ya pas de soucis, je pourrais la donner 
Cela peut venir de ton style, as tu v?rifi? sur le style par d?faut ?
Si ?? vient du style, il faut rergarder dans le fichier lisez moi, il y a une proc?dure ? ce sujet.
Originally Posted by Nimrod.
3.6.7 PL1
Yeah, I couldnt figure out why it was messing with the global.php file.
Never experienced that, maybe the file wasn't uploaded correctly (ie, error during the upload).
Originally Posted by blueraider
how do i fixed the date. it keeps saying 7/13/07
There are options in the acp to configure that