Originally Posted by AndrewD
For 2.2.8, I've put in a javascript test - when *must_comment_and_rate* is set, the submit button on the form only becomes active when the user selects a rating.
I can't reproduce your bug report. Are you sure you are clicking the 'submit' button rather than the 'return' button? (Return takes you back to the main category page but does not process the comment/rating form. Submit processes the form, but leaves you in the view comments and ratings page.)
I've set "must_comment_and_rate" to yes, but even so the submit button is active without select a rating. And the default rating option is "1 star". I tested it for several times: When I open an item, I just click "rate/comment", then click "submit" buuton, without doing anything, neither writting a comment, nor selecting a rating, but LDM will still accept the submitting.
I don't know why it doesn't work as you said. So I still suggest adding a "none" rating option, I guess it can simplify the process mechanism.
For the bug I reported, please forgive me, I forgot something. It is when I editing a comment/rating from
other member, I can edit the comment, but can not change the rating.