Originally Posted by gothicuser
Forget this one, I must have had a blonde moment 
I totally uninstalled the original installation of MGC then re-installed, following your instructions but adding 'vba_index' as strangger5 suggested and all works perfectly now.
Thankyou once more for a brilliant mod 
You mean adv_index ? I am a little lost on the way you and strangger5 achieved it
Originally Posted by unitedpunjab
There is a little problem. I have enabled PM feature on my shoutbox and i have enabled the PM feature for every usergroup. But when i ever a Registered user send PM to some other group member it appears in shoutbox in PM channel. But when ever a member from some other group rather than registered member group send message to that group the PM channel doesn't displayed anywhere.
e.g Letz i m admin and i sent mssg to a member dream. In pm channel it shows that mssgz has been sent to dream. But dream is unable to see it anywhere. But when dream send mssg to admin it appears in PM channel.
Did i missed something anywhere ... ??
Hum, if you have enabled it for both then dream user should be able to see it in the pm channel.
I think I'll have to check that out

But I will do it tomorrow when my headache will be passed (too much alcohol yesterday
