Originally Posted by koby411
But what you are telling me to add is already there, except for its on line 662.
PHP Code:
$ally = explode("\n", $ally);
foreach ($ally as $allyname)
$allyname = trim($allyname);
if ($allyname == $title)
// Own clan as ally? D'Oh
if (in_array($allyname, $enemy))
// Clan as both ally and enemy? D'ph
if (!empty($allyname))
$allyid = $RPG->array_search_multi($allyname, $RPG->clans);
if ($allyid === false)
eval(standard_error(fetch_error('rpg_clan_ally_noexist_x', $allyname)));
$clanally[] = $allyid;
if (!empty($enemy))
$enemy = explode("\n", $enemy);
Yes, and thats where I noticed why it was giving a error, its used properly there, but not where it needs to be added :P
I'd like to take over but I don't really have any sort of motivation my self to do much more then fix bugs ;/