Originally Posted by RedTyger
When creating a custom field, vBulletin provides an option called RegEx which you can apply to that field. Regex is an extremely powerful and extremely complicated, alas, way of limiting what is added to that field. So powerful that you can specify what characters are allowed, how many, in what order...more or less anything to be as limiting as you like. The more specific you are, the more secure you will be and it goes without saying don't use the allow HTML option.
If you can post examples of what code you would like people to be able to post, when I get a minute I'll see if I can come up with a RegEx code for you. Adsense is comparatively easy, others might not be.
I just had a look at a few codes and they look quite complected. Partly because you can not determine what format these are in by looking at the code as it looks to be dynamic. I don't quite fancy my members using huge banners etc...
Can i just have it accept adsense and 368x60 banners with affiliate links and nothing else? Thanks a lot!
I tried installing this and i get a blank code for #shared#. Everything seems to work fine but when put #shared# in my ad code all i get is: Forum sponsors:
The rest is blank

I will give it another try tomorrow morning.