Originally Posted by Mrdby
i still see people in 3.6.0..i'm like atleast i'm 3.6.7 lol
It depends on a lot of things what version people are using. Seriously, some sites I have seen using vBulletin Lite, or vBulletin 2 series, or 3 series, or 3.5 series or an older 3.6 series forum, normally because of the sheer amount of modifications installed making it difficult to upgrade.
As for the update, there's generally no reason not to, as I upgraded without even disabling the modifications, and nothing went wrong while upgrading or has gone wrong so far as a result of it. And this was not just minor stuff, but full Interactive Profiles + Shoutbox + Arcade + Shop + Points System + Bank + a lot of other stuff which cannot be named.