Originally Posted by Darkwaltz4
You can set the amount for thread rating in the usergroup settings. Also, there is a global setting which allows you to vary the amount against the rating, and I think you have it set to yes and you want it to be no
Dont forget ALL awards can be negative and fractional (even 'bad' actions can be positive, and vice versa)
Ahh great, I feel kind of stupid as I did not realise there was any per usergroup settings.
I do however have one (hopefully final) question, is it possible for this system to be disabled on a per user / usergroup basis. I can see people abusing or attempting to abuse the system and the ability to take away their use of the system would be very useful.
Edit: Ok I see it's possible to disable credits on a per user basis. How about on a per usergroup basis? I suppose I could create a usergroup with all values set to "0" however this still does not stop users donating credits to that usergroup.