Originally Posted by EvilKitty
Okay - i'm obviously mentally ill today.
I'm attempting to place my $template_hook[usercp_navbar_bottom] into my USERCP_SHELL template with no success and i know its going to be some stupid little thing, but i placed it where i assumed it to belong (And then 6 other places) with no success.
Also, i'm sure this was asked before - but there's not way to make the points retroactive, right?
You need to put the template hook directly before the closing table tag. it gets its own tr tags so it needs to be directly before.
also, to award credits retroactively, go to update counters and run the form at the bottom. I will be including a new admincp menu in 1.4 to link directly to it.
Originally Posted by adc-arab
i need help i wanan move the credits and show it like the screenshot

i have the post thank u hack installed i wanna move the credits and show it like rep power without moving the the post thank i hope u understand what i mean
i tried to move the $template_hook[postbit_userinfo_right] but i couldn't do it right sometims the the the post thank u moved with it and it doesn't show like the way i explained above ( i hope i explained it right -_- )
any help thx
For now we are stuck with the hook, but in 1.4 I already have the code switched around to use the postbit. The difference is it is now a template edit, but at least you can all display it like you want