oh Yes I have ,also I Uninstall and Reinstall de Product.. reupload and etc... I don't know what going on , but I return to the last prodcut (1.4 before today) , and all is working fine...
Also , my advice for all, I don't like the fact to edit navbar template, I'm very busy to make all this changes , and YES I 'm Lazy, So , I recomend use a CUSTOM NAVBAR PLUGIN , adding the specify url:
.. or ...
add ARCHIVE button to the "mgc_chatbox_editor" template
I' dont really search for de conditional variable so I only add a simple image link, and I added after the Full Mode Button link
<a href="mgc_chatbox.php?$session[sessionurl]do=view_archive" rel="nofollow"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/mgc_chatbox/mgc_cb_arch.gif" alt="" name="mgc_cb_aide" border="0" class="inlineimg" id="mgc_cb_aide" title="Archive" /></a>
and I made a custom buttom for archive...
I don't know is the was an option for all of this , but for me works..
Great Hack , and thanks very much...