Installed and working.
Great work.
Originally Posted by Virtuosofriend
Great work mate. Is it possible, i still havent installed so i dont know, to limit it per forum?
I think it can be done, in my site i have a download subforum, and per usergoups i deny the downloads. on all other subforums downloads are enable.
Originally Posted by PlymWS
If a user reaches their limit, will they still be able to see the thumbnails of attachment images or will they not be displayed ?
This mod would suit my site fantastically but I would still need users to be able to see thumbnails when they have reached their limit.
In my site works
I didn't enabled the plugin for "jpg, gif, png and psd files" and enabled it for .dwg, .3ds, .rar, .zip, etc.
When a user uploads a new attachment in (dwg, 3ds, rar, etc) i create a thumb so user sees what they are downloading.