Originally Posted by kholland
Hi Jafo,
2 questions:
1. I know this has been asked before but thougt this might have changed...is there anything out there where I could import existing comments on WP into VB? I have over 12,000 on my blog and it would be nice to have that appear in VB.
No there is not, however, you can do and if/else in the template to show the VB comments unless no thread was created else show the WP comments:
if ($vbridge[id] > 0) {
## Do VBRIDGE Code
##End Vbridge Replacement
else {
<?php wp_link_pages(); ?>
<!-- <?php comments_popup_link(__('0 Comments'), __('1 Comments'), __('% Comments')); ?>
Originally Posted by kholland
2. Before I attempt to install and configure the plugin...in case there's bad errors will it break my blog? Anything I should watch out for or DO if that happens?
Thanks again...looks to be a great mod!
There should be nothing to break the blog. Just make a backup of your theme. If for some reason the plugin causes an error, you can delete the plugin, or rename it to turn it off.