Originally Posted by rbgrn
What user will the emails come in as posted by??
Has anyone tested this with gmail?
It'll match the sent email to the email address for the user on the board. If they match, rock on, it'll post as that user. If it doesn't they get an error message.
Tested with gmail incoming emails, but not with using a gmail account as the catch.
Originally Posted by rbgrn
Another question:
Re: changes to "Instant Email Notification"
Does that apply globally now or is it only for forums that have Email Integration enabled?
I certainly don't want that behavior to change anywhere. I just want to pull emails into posts.
It only works for those forums that have it enabled. If you don't enable it for any forums, you will notice no changes at all
For the forum you enable, it will have the new subscription option available.
Originally Posted by rbgrn
Ok got it to run, gmail requires the self-signed cert option which really means use port 995, which should be the standard port. This may require some renaming
anyway, it runs now, but no mail comes in even when there's new mail in the box. :/
This option is covered in the connection type dropdown.
Pop3 with self-signed certificate or IMAP with self-signed certificate both use port 995.
Please try all the connection types
Here is the break down of ports that are used.
// ##### Determining Connection Type ######
switch ($foruminfo['ei_connectiontype'])
case 0:
$connectmailserver = "{" . $foruminfo[ei_hostname] . ":110/pop3/notls}INBOX";
case 1:
$connectmailserver = "{" . $foruminfo[ei_hostname] . ":143/novalidate-cert}INBOX";
case 2:
$connectmailserver = "{" . $foruminfo[ei_hostname] . ":993/pop3/ssl}INBOX";
case 3:
$connectmailserver = "{" . $foruminfo[ei_hostname] . ":995/pop3/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX";
case 4:
$connectmailserver = "{" . $foruminfo[ei_hostname] . ":993/imap/ssl}INBOX";
case 5:
$connectmailserver = "{" . $foruminfo[ei_hostname] . ":995/imap/ssl/novalidate-cert}INBOX";
Originally Posted by sdsvtdriver
What I'd like to see is for a user to be able to send email to their username.apasswordtheysetintheirCP@myvbforum.com and have a new post created in a predetermined forum.
This would be useful for people who like to take pictures and send them off to their blog, etc, however this would allow them to do so on the forums on the go.
This is possible with the current code.
If a user is in a usergroup that is set in this setting in the forum manager -
Please enter the usergroup IDs that can post and reply by email.
They can send an email to the email address for the site and it will post. They do NOT have to be subscribed to the forum in order to start a new thread from email