Originally Posted by bobster65
Sportsticker is a commercial stats feed that is pretty damn expensive. They also pay a license fee to the NFL.
The dudes comments about stats and the NFL are correct. The NFL is a pain to deal with lately.. hell, they are going around to Fan Websites and threatening the take legal actions against them for simple things such as Post Icons that look like the actual team logo  (ask the owner of Grid Iron Fans about it) ...
Anyway.. until the league does put an official stop to it, there are plenty of data providers out there that are free... I might even still have the links to Yahoos sports feeds that are not public but have been there for the last 6 years or so... I used them for my Salary Cap Football League..
No body is asking anyone to make a mod where someone could get in copyright trouble over it. I understand what you are saying...so can you understand what we are saying. Look at this:
Make something like this for a VB board...only improve upon it to a VB standard. Look at the demo. Use the free sites for stats, if the NFL is a pain...fine. There are plenty of other sports out there that are not. I am more interested in College football than the NFL anyway..but thats just me. All NCAA sports, MLB, NASCAR, Soccer, NBA...what ever. Lets focus on what CAN we do not what we cant.