This mod looks great!
I do have a request, as this mod is the closest I've seen to do what I want.
We all know this mod allows a user to be on the forum and subscribe to a forum(or thread in the near future), then receive emails containing posts made since the subscription, and then reply.
What I'd like to see is for a user to be able to send email to their and have a new post created in a predetermined forum.
This would be useful for people who like to take pictures and send them off to their blog, etc, however this would allow them to do so on the forums on the go.
Somewhat like textamerica. I have a plug-in from them on my blog. I sent my pic to, they process it and it magically appears on my blog.
Would be useful for varying ideas, such as my car forum. If people see a cool car, they can shoot off the pic to their shorcut in their mobile phone's address book and a post is created with the MMS text and photo, instead of going home, emailing photo to yourself, putting it on photobucket, creating thread, etc. etc.
95% of the functionality (and hard part) seems to already exist in the code. A few mods such as the mobile post password field in the UCP, way to designate forum for mail with a username.password format, as opposed to their email address on file, etc.
Possible future enhancement?