Originally Posted by military-space
is there a way to change the displayed awards in postbit and member info to show on more that one row?
Lets say I want to set my awards system to show 6 awards and have them display on 2 rows instead of stretching across on one row.
Would this be possible? Any suggestions on how to do this?
I actually modified the template code and create a table with a fixed width to display the awards in. They will automatically wrap to a new line if the number of awards exceed the width. IE: If your awards are 50 pixels wide and you want no more than 3 in a row, set the table size to a width of 160.
Here's a sample of how I display my ribbons (although it's in a considerably different place than the stock code).
<table width="425" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>
<td align="left"><div>$post[userawards]</div></td></tr></table>
You could replace the $post[userawards] line with something similar to what I have above and it should work for you with some minor tweaking.