I will wait....i'm nervous..lol i have all these mods installed!!
vBulletin 3.6.7
'Version check' for all hacks 1.6.4 1.6.4 With this hack you can check all installed products for updates.
AME - The Automatic Media Embeder 1.2.0 1.2.0 Automatically embeds media URLs with posts
Anti Leech Attachments 1.00b 1.00b Prevent hot linking your attachments!
Blank Profile Fields 1.0 - Detects if a user has not filled out a profile field (or fields) and displays a notice.
Cyb - Advanced Forum Rules 3.5.4 3.5.4 Cyb - Advanced Forum Rules
Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics 5.4 5.4 Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics
Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count 4.0 4.0 Cyb - Advanced Permissions Based on Post Count
Cyb - Attention Zero-Posters 1.3 1.3 Cyb - Attention Zero-Posters
Cyb - Change vBForms Defaults 1.1 1.1 Cyb - Change vBForms Defaults
Cyb - Check If Already Posted 1.5 1.5 Option to check if the same/similar thread already exist when posting new one
Cyb - Login To User Account 1.9.1 1.9.1 Cyb - Login To User Account
Cyb - Members Mood 1.4 1.4 Cyb - Members Mood
Cyb - PayPal Donate 3.9.1 3.9.1 Cyb - PayPal Donate
Cyb - Prevent Newbies from Posting to Wrong Forum 2.1 Cyb - Prevent Newbies from Posting to Wrong Forum
Disable_Right_Click 3.00 Error Disabling The Use Of Right Click 3.0.0
Display reputation comments given 2.49 2.49 Display the reputation comments a member has given (in their usercp).
Display Unread Posts 1.20 1.20 Display the number of posts you have marked as unread.
DownloadsII 5.0.4 - A Download Database for vB
DownloadsII PM Add-On 1.0 - Send PM when a DownloadsII file is placed in moderation
Extended reputation display 2.14 2.14 Extends the reputation display system to both green and golden pips, and then large stars as the pips limit is reached.
EZ Bounce Management - by Antivirus 1.8 1.8 Allows Admin to easily manage members with bouncing emails
FlashChat Integration 3.52 3.52 Integration of Flashchat and vBulletin 3.6
Friends and/or Buddies in Profile 1.0 - Shows Friends and/or Buddies in the Profile.
Guest Tracking 1.16 1.16 Track Guest Visits
HS - External Signature Image Size Limiter 1.0 - This product limits the size of external images in signatures depending on the dimensions you choose.
ibProArcade CMPS 1.0 - CMPS-Module for vbAdvanced
ibProArcade for vBulletin 2.6.2 - ibProArcade - professional Arcade System for vBulletin
Inactive User Reminder Emails 1.0.9 - Sends emails out to inactive users encouraging them to re-visit the forum
Inferno vBShout 1.0.1 Lite - Real time shoutbox
IP_NoRegister! 1.0 - IP_NoRegister! allows you to stop guests with specific IP addresses from registering in your forums. This is useful in cases where you have problems with a specific IP or IP Host.
Members who are using flashchat 4.41 4.41 Display members who are currently chatting in Flashchat.
Members who have posted on the forum 4.42 4.42 Display members who have posted in the forum.
Members who have read a thread. 3.38 3.38 Display members who have read a thread.
Members who have visited the forum 4.41 4.41 Display members who have visited the forum.
Mini Navbar 1.0.4 - Places a breadcrumb from the navbar on the bottom of a thread
Miserable Users 2.12 2.12 A way to really annoy anyone you don't want visiting your forum.
Moderation Auto-PM 2.0.1 - Automaticly PMs a user when their thread is moderated
Moderator Statistics 2.0 2.0 Creates a link misc.php?do=moderator_stats where you can view stats on your moderators.
Multiple Login Detector 1.03 - Cookie-based multiple account login detector
nCode Image Resizer 1.0.1 1.0.1 Automatically resize posted images
Nested Quotes 1.0 1.0 This mod allows quotes to "nest".
New posts and reputation comments 3.18 3.18 Display the number of new posts since your last visit, and the number of new reputation comments you have.
New Registrant Analyzer 0.3 - Make it easier to review new users who have signed up
PhotoPlog 2.0.6 2.0.6 PhotoPlog: The Lite Gallery
Prevent Doubleposts 1.0 - This Modification prevents doubleposts by merging post together, if the last poster of a thread tries to post again.
Quick Reply Add On. 3.6.x - Add On Editor Tools for Quickreply.
Real ip detection 2.25 2.25 Makes your forum aways use the real ip when a proxy server is detected, the proxy ip is recorded in an extra field but then ignored.
Top Posters 3.29 3.29 Display the Forums Top Posters
User CP Referral ID 1.0.1 - This product will add a content box in the User CP displaying a customizable referral "Message" and the user's "Referral Link."
Usergroup Legend 1.1.0 1.1.0 Adds a full Admincp-controlable Legend to forumhome
Users Online in ACP View 1.0.0 - This will show you what admins are online in ACP
vB Ad Management 3.13 3.14 Forum-wide advertisement management
vBadvanced CMPS 3.0 RC1 - vBadvanced Content Management & Portal System
vbgooglemap Member Edition by StonyArc 2.5.2 - Display user location based on Google Maps API
vBIspy WOL 1.0 - vBIspy Whos Online Identification
WebProxyRedirect 1.2.2 Error Redirects visitors that use a web based proxy service.
Websites who have referred today 1.6 1.6 Lists all websites who have sent you visitors in the last day
Welcome Headers 4.2.1 - Boost registration and activity rates with more visible guest welcome and member status messages.
Welcome Panel Template Rewrite 3.0.5 3.0.5 This hack adds a welcome panel to your forum home page. It includes useful features for returning and new members. This started out as a rewrite of Zero Tolerence's hack, but developed into what it is today.
Yet Another Mass Private Message System 1.0.1 1.0.1 Allow Admin to send mass Private Message to users
Zoints Profile System 2.1.4 - The Zoints client forum profile linking system.