Originally Posted by bobster65
As far as your recommendation of a delay, there is nothing positive about a delay period... Both the Author and end user should be informed as soon as the vulnerability is known.
Hambil, this is the point where we need to agree to disagree, cause Im not about to get into a pety argument with you over this. I made my recommendations and they included all 3 parties involved (Programmer, Client and vBorg).
I'm more than happy to agree to disagree. However, you didn't just disagree, you accused some coders of having an unprofessional and selfish agenda. And you did it again in this very post:
It seems like the attitude from some is "Who Cares about the client, its just one more day".
I assume you have the best interests of the user at heart, even though I don't agree with your solution. Now that, is agreeing to disagree.