Someone asked about logging mobile page usage - the following may help...
Edit the Detect Mobile Device plugin - in the following section:
if ($mobile==1)
// echo "<!-- Mobile Device -->";
else if ($pda==1)
// echo "<!-- PDA Device -->";
else if ($except_browser==1)
// echo "<!-- Excepted Device -->";
// echo "<!-- No Mobile Device-->";
and add code directly below the "// echo "<!-- Mobile Device -->";" line to do what ever logging you you wanted. An example may be:
PHP Code:
$logfile = "mobilelog.txt";
$ipaddr = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
$pagevisited = $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"];
$newent = date('r')." (".$ipaddr.") ".$pagevisited." ".$buffer."\n";
$fd = fopen($logfile,"a+") or die("ERROR: Can't open file $logfile for append");
$fout = fwrite($fd, $newent);
Warning!! Make sure the log file (in this example - mobilelog.txt) exists and is writable first!