Originally Posted by -=Sniper=-
sorry do you mean, you want to apply the ban to secondary usergroups is well? Also dropdown menu images will only work in FF.
ty so much for reply.
nope Sniper, I woud like to grant only to 'Active' usergroup (let's call them Usergroup2) when this group is a sub-group of 'Registered' usergroup (let's call them Usergroup1)
so an user belonging just to usergroup 1 cannot use it, but an user belonging to Usergroup 1+2 yes.
to do this should be very simple, just disabling from your hack the group 1 and not 2 so an user that has privileges belonging from usergroup1+2 (override option is set to ON for usergroup2) should definitivelly use the hack.
For FF i do understand that is limited to it, but why (as u can see from the attachment) it repeat many times those little squared images? they are supposed to be only 1 and they are 4 on a line. (only the squared one - first 3 or 4 of the dropmenu - they are supposed to be axactly as the one in my actual mood picture)
I hope what i wrote is 'english' understandable :P
take care
ciao (pls accept my apologises for my broken english)