While the staff here are happy to read peoples suggestions and ideas, everyone needs to remember that it is ultimately the sites administrators decision as to whether change is implemented. If we think something is a good idea, or needs changing, then it will probably get done. If we don't, then it won't - simple as that.
It is true that a few (more vocal) members occasionally lose sight of this and think that something will get changed because they 'shout loudly' or make a lot of fuss.
Also, site policy is not something that would ever be discussed in the coders forum, only a small proportion of members have access to that forum. If we want to get views on something then it will discussed be in a general forum (like site feedback) or possibly done as a "townhall" thread.
If anyone thinks that every policy is going to be publicly discussed then they are going to be disappointed. I don't know any forum that does such a thing (policy is generally set by a forums administrators) and vbulletin.org is no different.