Originally Posted by SVTCobraLTD
I have it setup on my board that members get 20 points when bumped up to "Member" which is the default group, and 10 for referrals. But when I test it and register i start with like 105 points. What is wrong? The highest points are 20 for be upgraded to "Member". Any ideas?
Yes, you forgot to set Awaiting Email confirmation group to all 0.
Originally Posted by kaisellgren
Any ideas where I could change the code where it adds more credits upon posting? I'd like to add my own regular expression to check that there is at least 6 words in the post before adding credits.
Thank you!
Try Posting Credit Application and New Thread Credit Application, you can use the variables they create when counting chars and just add an if in there.
Originally Posted by chikkoo
Hi DarkWaltz4,
I just moved to iCash to vBCredit1.3, I observed the following.
1) There is a usergroup based awarding system is missing in vbCredit.
2) We used to reduce credits by entering negative numbers. That's missing?
3) The error messages are not descriptive. All error messages say "Invalid Amount Specified"
I will update more soon...
1) I will see about adding it, theres already a list for 1.4 features that will be posted on my site later.
2) Yes, using negatives will reduce counts in every award type in the ACP. On the frontend you can only use positives (except for the post award system, but you still have to select Remove and enter a positive number)
3) Should only be happening if you put 0 or below for anything. Will check the variables for 1.4, otherwise, see number 2 :-p
I am working on a bunch of addons next, expect arcades next and yaas.