Originally Posted by AndrewD
The *can_set_permissions* permission determines whether the user can do this or not. The description on the admin/permissions page is slightly misleading - it does not give the user general admin privs, although I imagine it gives more powers than you want.
One approach is to edit the addnewcat template. Look for lines that contain
<if condition="$links_permissions['can_set_permissions']">
There are four in total in this template. The second encloses a sequence starting
<if condition="$links_permissions['can_set_permissions']">
<td class="alt1">
<br /><span class="smallfont">
$curforumtitle<br />
You could change this conditional test, e.g.
<if condition="$links_permissions['can_set_permissions'] or $links_permissions['can_moderate_links']">
thank you, will try
one more suggestion: is it possible to make vba modules read thumbs from ldm_thumb folder (local storage) instead of generating them each time?
for security reasons, i have my covers ftp on a separate server, and i don't want covers fail to display IF that server is down....