I'm having some problems getting the comments part to work. Everytime I call for the Comments_Handler, my page gets blank. Currently, I have it like this:
<? $vbridge = Comment_Handler($post->ID); ? >
<div class="style1"><?php the_date('','<h2>','</h2>'); ?></div>
<div class="style1" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>
<h3 class="style1"><a href=<?php echo get_option('vbb_VBURL') ?>/showthread.php?t=<?php echo $vbridge[id] ?>><?php the_title(); ?></a> </h3>
<div class="style1">— <?php the_author() ?> <?php the_time() ?> <?php edit_post_link(__('Edit This')); ?></div>
<div class="style1">
<?php the_content(__('(more...)')); ?></span>
<a href=<?php echo get_option('vbb_VBURL') ?>/showthread.php?t=<?php echo $vbridge[id] ?>>(<?php echo intval($vbridge[count]) ?>) comments</a>
<?php endwhile; else: ?>
<p><?php _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria.'); ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
As you can see, I'm trying to edit the news title to go the topic as well, instead of the wp id. Also, without the comments handler, the link is [vburlblablabla]/showthread.php?t= - just blank topic ID. I assume that has to do with the comments handler not being included, so I won't go further in detail about that.
Thanks in advance.