David, your plugin advice got my added template to show up too, yet created an odd problem that I'm stuck on. What I did was literally cut a section of code (my custom navbar) that I had duplicated in the SHOWTHREADS, FORUMDISPLAY, etc templates and pasted it into a new added template called navbar_forums. I then referenced $navbar_forums in the aforementioned default templates and used your plugin code to get it to show up.
However, not all the cut and pasted code evaluates correctly through the $ reference, but if I remove the $ reference and paste the same code chunk directly back into SHOWTHREAD, it all works correctly.
The problem seems to be that this <if> statement does not evaluate properly regardless of whether I use a browser with or without popups (I test in multiple browsers)
<if condition="$show['popups']">
All the proper end tags and format is included. Dreamweaver thinks so too. So I thought perhaps it was an issue with $show, yet these other <if> statements in the same code chunk evaluate properly when I'm logged in or out
<if condition="$show['member']">
<if condition="$show['quicksearch']">
So how does a code chunk parse correctly, except when included through a new added template? Could this issue have something to do with the plugin code? Any other ideas?