Originally Posted by CraiovaOnLine
I already added this to v6, next to the existing custom titles for better SEO. It's done using a plugin as we want to avoid modifying any templates.
But meta tags aren't that important any more for SEO. Google is looking more at your inbound links etc. for their PageRank system.
i dont see a v6 release, it is important those meta tags because otherwise all my dowload links will apeare as suplemental results in a google search.
hi craiovaonline, maybe you can try this for seo your downloadsII mods
This post had been posted in vbseo.com too, but its need more help from the author, maybe this can be using in next downloadsII release
So your title, meta description and meta keywords will be like this:
Your file name, Category name
To do that replace $headinclude in downloads template with this full code:
HTML Code:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=$stylevar[charset]" /> <meta name="keywords" content="{$dl->title}<if condition="$dlcustomtitle">, $dlcustomtitle</if>,$cat_value" /> <meta name="description" content="{$dl->title}<if condition="$dlcustomtitle"> - $dlcustomtitle</if>,$cat_value" />
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