ok, so WILL you uninstall vbulletin if it had a security issue? yes or no? will you uninstall a hack or no? please don't answer! Why don't Jeloft inform me about security issues when discovered but only when they have published the fix?
Do you feel the same way about vbulletin as a standalone product?
You have to understand the issue was reported privately hence no one knows about it (or very few) so the author has the opportunity to fix it and tell users at the same time. Now if someone made the security issue public, fair enough you would inform as many users as possible, since someone will now try to exploit the issue no doubt.
Now if you ask users to uninstall mods, e.g. if you had articles mod, six months later there is a security issue, by now the site might have plenty of articles etc and on uninstall everything will be lost, would you want that? you have to understand not everyone is technically minded or even simple things like uninstalling or disabling would mean the same thing to them...
as always there are pro/cons to every procedure.