Originally Posted by vinothchandar
Hi there,
i have a doubt....
i run a forum for technology and iam going to give out prizes based on the quality of posts every month...myself and other super moderators will give points for each thread and post everyday....and at the end of a month we will select the person with the most credits and give him/her a prize...
does VB credits have this option where only a particular user group can give points to the registered members ?
Kindly let me know.. thanks
Yes it does, set the usergroup to allow post award system, and that usergroup will see a little coin icon on postbits to open up a little ajax award menu. also works on profiles for those groups
Originally Posted by Memphis834@yaho
I have iShop installed as well as vBcredits. How can I use credits to purchase things in the iShop?
Yes, set money row to 'credits' in the IShop settings.