Originally Posted by Gemma
Upgraded but still getting an error in Scheduled Tasks
Did you reupload the credits_tim.php file from the second update I sent? (Third "release" of 1.3)? That corrects fresh installs for scheduled tasks. When you reupload, you might want to perform the task via the ACP scheduled task manager to makeup for the one you missed.
Originally Posted by JVCode
I currently use iCash points system, which seems to have fallen to the hack graveyard. Is the conversion of credits from iCash to VBCredits easy? also is the vbookie plugin working? and ALSO! can this hack be used with IBPro Arcade? 
It's very easy, just install the converter, then uninstall the converter and Icash (the converter was made into product form for ease of use, and once its "installed" (finished converting) it doesnt do anything from then on so best to delete it.
vBookie plugin is working. Check the extras/addons folder from the download.
Not yet for vbproarcade, be patient :-p
Originally Posted by AdmiralGeek
can any one help me out, the credits system installed perfect, and great work in its production. But i can not get the quiz to work, even the mod on its own. It keep asking for my admin password. I even done it on my test forum, and same thing. Is this a regular problem for the quiz installs on the 3.6.7 version?
If the quiz isnt working even when you havent hacked it for use with vbcredits, you should probably ask the quiz author.
Originally Posted by SwissPegasus
If i made a donation, i have the possibility to take a Fee. So, is ist possible to give the Fee to another user, maybe in a future release?
Do u also plan to write a Bank System? Wich is little bit better than the ibank. Nice to have would be the possibility do define a User as Bank User, where the interessting rate is taken from.
Sorry about my bad englisch, but i hope u understand what i mean.
Originally Posted by Chase
When you donate points to another user shouldn't points be subtracted from your points?
I based the donation fee off the system used by PayPal, which takes the fee off of the amount the donatee receives. I might stick in an option.
I intend to base the bank off of a real banking system, youll be impressed :-p