This ruined my install of vB Event Forums + Event Attendance w/ integration. And of course, Uninstalling this product didn't fix it back to normal.
All comments on an Event do not appear on SHOWTHREAD, although they are still there. And as with all your mods I've used (CES Site News), You still aren't getting the $spacer_open and $spacer_close right (and I'm even on a completely different style this time!). The area where the comments should be becomes entirely broken and none of the tables line up correctly. Not that it matters, because the comments aren't showing.
At least it did what it said. It reduced the queries all right, except for the fact that it rendered my Event Forums completely useless.
I now have to spend a few hours picking up the pieces.
If I sound angry, it's because I am. I took all the time making the laborious file edits for CES Preprocess Hooks, and while I was at it tried a few of your other "Query Blasters" (which none of them helped)
So since I can't figure out why comments aren't showing even after I uninstalled, I guess I'll have to start everything over from scratch, including the dozens of phrase and template edits I did to make vB Event Forums + Event Attendance actually USABLE, since they are both disgustingly messy hacks.