Originally Posted by UgLy-NeRd
Could someone make an addon for digg? I tried and don't understand the RegExp very well.
Ummm, why would you want it? I dont understand ... can you explain a little more?
Originally Posted by Peter Armenti
Hello.. I had this operating properly on a previous install but I'm having trouble now.. it seems inserting the URL's is working fine.. but inserting EMBED codes is not.. is there a quick explanation for this? something I'm missing? you can fine an example here..
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This Hack does not support adding Embed Codes to your Post and converting them to the Video ... It never has. This Hack's purpose is for users to post the URL of the Video and then this Hack automatically converting it into the Actual Video. If you want to allow the Embed Code you need to allow HTML on your Site, but that it a very high security risk that you'll be taking on ...