Can you please tell me what changes you made with it so that it works?
I am indeed frustrated since I have tried ALL possible changes people posted in here and it won't work. I am a skin designer for forums and have installed hundreds of hacks that worked. And it's frustrating for me to not be able to install something because of lack of correct code and installation guide. A real installation guide with all steps.
Sorry if I offend, but I paid 160 USD for a script and 20% of the hacks I installed won't work, I won't get support from the developers, who still want to have the hacks nominated, but won't even write a readme file that would take you through all the steps
There is surely something people did to make this work, it would be nice if the people with experience in this would tell us, the ones who fail to understand, what to do. That's what I do in my communities and it would be beneficial for this one too.