Originally Posted by AndrewD
If the file was not a recognised 'download', i.e. its filetype isn't in the vb attachments table, then the current LDM code doesn't record the bytes transferred, so the vba module won't list it. The logic has been that transfers of 'links' are not managed by LDM - they are processed using browser redirects.
ItsBlack raised a similar point recently concerning 'allowances'. I can see the point, so the final version of 2.2.8 will record bytes transferred in these situations:
- the entry is a 'download', i.e. has a recognised filetype (e.g. http:// sitename // file.pdf), or
- the entry is a file on the local server, i.e. does not have a complete url (e.g. /file.xyz)
In both these cases, your web server is carrying the load of transferring the file, so the logic is to record that transfer.
Another possibility is to try to work out the size of all transfers, regardless of filetype or location. This is not always possible, and am not sure that it is sensible. I'd appreciate comments.
the file types i have are mostly (99.5%) .zip files which are in vb attachments table.
the other file types are pdf and wmv. these both are on the table too.
about the allowance thing, there are 2 allowance systems for attachments. one of them is for vb attachments and the other one is from LDM. but i don't know which one was meant by itsblack....
my suggestion: all files get a file size allocated when submitting entry, would it be possible to read this size when a user clicks to download that file? just like hit recording. it's just one more query. (as far as i can understand!!)

but you are the specialist
one more thing, does LDM reset the bytes transfered when i delete hits for a period of time? i haven't tested this...