Originally Posted by EvilAkuma
It wasn't showing the clickable link till I use the other way.
Originally Posted by EvilAkuma
I'm sure I did, isn't my userid number 6?
This is not a question of userid for the canview permission. It's based on usergroups.
Originally Posted by Bicho??
First of all congratulations for the great mod...
And now i should make a question, it?s possibel that where apears to edit or delete a project the other members of the forum could make a coment, what i?m saying is that if they could coment the project that are seing.
Sory if this is a stupid question, kind regards for all.
As a matter of fact, this a functionnality which is available in the full version in the tasks part so you'll understand me I think if I don't put it in the light version
Originally Posted by ltd
Thanx VBDev. When trying to add a project
shows me a blank page 
A blank page ? Hum ! But you've set everything correctly ? Maybe this comes from the strange character problem.
I have attached a file, can you try with that file ?