Originally Posted by StudMuffin21
lol..yeah that name has a story behind it. Some really good lookin girl gave it to me a long time ago as a call sign when I couldn't come up with one for a laser tag game. haha...I just had to keep it.
Anyway, ok so here is what I did. As you suggested, I created two new templates. One named "form1" and the other "formanswers1" I then edited the code to read the exact name of those templates as you suggested in your post (only instead of using studmuffin21, I used form1).
I feel so stupid cause I still am getting the same problem. And that is not all of the answers show up when the form is submitted.
I've gone over the templates and hack several times again but did not see any problems, though keep in mind I am not a coder.
Should I try to uninstall and delete everything and reinstall it? Would that make a difference? Or is there something I am missing still?
And by the way, thank you very much for your continued efforts to help me resolve this problem. I do much appreciate it 
Sorry, misunderstood your Question...
Looking at your form preview and I-C your problem...
Give me a moment and I shall resolve...