Possible bugs:
- when you attempt ajax edit, (IE) shows page error (object required) but everything still works fine.
- when /team is enabled but "use two channels" is disabled, object errors appear (IE)
- when in team channel, /me shows message in main channel.
- when you are in the team channel, maybe a button that shows there's activity in main channel?
- per channel (normal/team) choose if to allow img, bbcode etc
- show archive chronologically (from oldest to newest chatline), same with download txt function.
- add option to add more channels like (team) (main, spam, offtopic, trivia bot)?
A feature request:
At my forum the team channel is used to spam and I use a trivia bot on it. I would like to request a feature that disables the chatlines in the team channel from being logged or counted to the top5 for example. Is that possible?