Originally Posted by VBDev
As I told, the global thing might not work with vbadvanced due to path problemes (this is why I told that I'll be releasing a vbadvanced addon for that purpose).
To show it on particular pages, here is what you should do : - Open the php file of the page where you want to show the chatbox
- Search for the THIS_SCRIPT define line and note the value which is assigned to THIS_SCRIPT
- Put it in the admincp in the box made for that purpose for the chatbox show on all pages thing
- Activate the option show on defined pages in a global var
- The open the templates of the page you want it to be shown and then put $mgc_chatbox wherever you want it to be on the page.
I know this process is maybe hard but this is the price for placing the chatbox wherever you want 
Thank you for the step by step instructions. It worked on the first try. It also works with vbAdvanced, which is great in that I now have a full width ChatBox in lieu of being limited to the center column width, which is how I had my other ShoutBox mod set up. I have my forums in the root directory of my site. Perhaps that is why it works with VBA for me. I have made the full switch to MGC ChatBox now. Thanks again!