Originally Posted by gothicuser
Has there been any movement forward in using the database to store the member data rather than many hundreds of folders?
We (and many others, fact) have not been able to use this mod simply because we are hosted on a server with safemode=on and are discriminated against by some coders that refuse to recognise our plight as being relevant.
To be honest, unless it was being spoken about in jargon that I just don't understand, I don't believe there has been. I wasn't even aware of the problem, but then again I am not an engineer for Zoints. This definitely sounds like a problem that needs to be resolved in the future, could you please post this same message here (you will need to register if you haven't):
That way, I will be able to suggest that for future development (which is a bit more my forte) and have an actual forum owner such as yourself who is interested to back that suggestion. Of course I am suggesting it no matter what, but hopefully that would help push the engineers to working on it if it's a possibility. Anyone else who has been limited from using Zoints for the reason gothicuser has mentioned, I would suggest doing the same.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
- Reid