Okay, so I set up a new mailbox on my server and confirmed that I could email to it, as well as check it. (BTW, a good free web tool to confirm this is
I know my email hoster supports POP3 and IMAP because I have set up regular email accounts and clients using both over the years.
But, with this hack, I chose POP3, and then just ran the cron job manually and got this error:
Originally Posted by Cyricx
Undefined Function
If you get the error the below error you will need to enable IMAP support on your server. If you host your own server, check your php.ini file, the line for imap support will be commented out. If you do not host your own server, request your host to enable this. - Fatal error: Call to undefined function: imap_open() in
/*****/includes/cron/emailintegration.php on line 70
I was afraid that might happen.
Originally Posted by Cyricx
To verify if you have IMAP installed go to your admincp -> Maintence -> View Php Info and you should see something like this:
IMAP c-Client Version 200X
Sure enough, I looked in there and didn't see anything listed about "imap."
Just wondering, is enabling IMAP support necessary
even if we've chosen POP3 in the Forum Manager prefs? I ask this because getting my webhoster to do anything, even as simple as enabling the line for imap support, is often an uphill battle.